Dr. Vince Cronin Appointed to Editorial Board

February 14, 2022

Professor Vince Cronin has accepted an invitation to join the inaugural editorial board of the Journal of Geoethics and Social Geosciences (JGSG). JGSG is a new peer-reviewed open-access journal published in English online. According to the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Silvia Peppoloni, JGSG will be "the first international journal fully dedicated to geoethics and the societal implications of geoscience knowledge, research, practice, education and communication."

Vince Cronin has been interested in geoethics since the 1980s when he worked on engineering geology projects and forensic investigations under the supervision of former California State Geologist Dr. Jim Slosson. Professor Cronin has contributed to developing ethics codes and policies at the American Geosciences Institute, Geological Society of America, and American Geophysical Union, and has been invited to present ethics short courses at many meetings of geoscience professional societies. He has authored or co-authored several papers and book chapters on geoethics.

Professor Cronin was co-leader of the US section of the International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG) from 2014 through 2021, along with Cindy Palinkas of the University of Maryland. The IAPG is based at the (Italian) National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Rome and includes several thousand geoscientists in 126 countries, with 35 national sections on five continents (https://www.geoethics.org). Professor Cronin has been the North American Coordinator and an Executive Committee Member of IAPG since early 2022, working with national sections in Mexico, Canada, and the US.