Baylor Association for Women Geoscientists (BAWG)
Welcome to the Baylor Association for Women Geoscientists (BAWG).
The Baylor Association for Women Geoscientist – Student Chapter of the Association for Women Geoscientists (BAWG – AWG) is a student-lead organization that aims to provide a supportive and encouraging environment for its members and to promote the professional development of women geoscientists. At Baylor, these goals will be achieved through networking, community, and mentorship.
The Baylor Chapter was founded in February 2018 and shortly after became an active organization on campus. Since its inception, BAWG has hosted a variety of activities including leading a workshop at the Women in the Academy (WITA) Conference with the screening of “The Bearded Lady Project” and panel discussion, regularly hosting His/Her Stories that alternates between students and faculty each month, and participating in outreach activities such as a local high school college/career fair to encourage participation in the geosciences.
Email for any questions and be on the look out for social media updates on the Baylor Geosciences Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
BAWG officers for the 2023-2024 academic year:
Victoria Holman, President
Allie North, Vice President
Ashley Gonzalez, Treasurer
Emily McDonald, Secretary & Undergraduate Representative
Jasmine Kidwell, Mentorship Chair