Graduate Student Opportunities in the Department of Geosciences

October 23, 2019

The Department of Geosciences at Baylor University invites applications for full-time PhD and MS students starting in August 2020. Admission to the program includes 5 years of financial support for PhD students and 2 years of financial support for MS students through research and teaching assistantships and fellowships. Admitted students also receive a full tuition waiver, 80% health insurance subsidy, annual travel funding from department and university for conference attendance, and research funding for graduate students on a competitive basis. Candidates should have at least an undergraduate degree in geology, geophysics, or in a related area and excellent analytical and writing skills.

Faculty research covers a broad spectrum of Earth sciences, with particular strengths in biogeosciences, energy geoscience, hydrological and surface processes, lithospheric processes, paleoclimate, and solid Earth and planetary sciences. For more information about the Department of Geosciences, our research areas, and the graduate program please visit

Applications are due by January 15, 2020 for Fall 2020 program entry. Details about the application process can be found here: Please contact our Graduate Program Director for more information or with questions at or visit our booth at the AGU fall meeting.